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Life Members
1963 E.A. Eltham, R. Jordan
1975 D. Hibberd
1976 I.M. Wyver, R.M. Watson, T.W. Struthers, R.A. Kelly
1983 D.J. Wylie
1985 A.R. Marshall
1986 R.S. Hyatt, I.R. Beven, D.W. Edwards
1993 J.H. Nichols, M.K. Granger
1998 R.D. Woolley
2001 M.P. Thomas, J.A. Dykes, M.D. Colegrave
2003 G.E. Kearney
2004 P.G. Thomas, G.E. Costelloe
2007 A.D. Richardson
2009 G.E.J. Costelloe
2011 R.J. Tongue
2013 B.L. Harris, D.J. Smith
2015 A.D. Rice
2016 P.J. Schofield
2017 M.P. Tame
2018 M.V. Dusautoy, J. Kanizay
2021 H.J. Allanby, M.J. Clingeleffer, B.F. Davison, K.M. Fazackerley, I.D. Huck, D.J. Hurd, W.G. Irvine, M.G. Jones, D.R. Kemp, S.J. Nogajski, S.L. Rainbird, D.W. Rogers, M.J. Stirling, E.E. Thompson, S.B. Tubb, M.S. Wade, L. Walker, J.W. Wells
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